Jemima, SHSL Politician

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Jemima, SHSL Politician
Roleplayer MaggieWong
Age 17
Talent SHSL Politician
Sexuality Bisexual
Role      ???
Placement ???
Chapter(s) Lasted 0

Jemima, SHSL Politician is a student from Season 1 of MaggieWong's Dangan Ronpa.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Jemima was brought up in an abusive house where her parents where constantly fighting. She went to a inner city underfunded school and learned how to talk so people did what she wanted. She picked up on social skills and methods of manipulation quickly in order to avoid getting beat up or picked on. She made her break when she was voted in a "fair" election for class president. She recently got a letter to the school and is ready to leave her old life behind.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Voting History[edit | edit source]

Jemima's Voting History
Chapter # Jemima's
Voted For

Trivia[edit | edit source]